For over 100 years, New Zion has been increasing God's Kingdom by Building Disciples.
2025:Embodying the Vision
Increasing, Building, Evangelizing

General Baptist Convention of New Jersey, Inc.
Dr. Semaj Y. Vanzant, Sr. - President
Rev. Kevin James White- 1st Vice President


Kevin James White
Over 100 years of Service & Excellence
To Support our Ministry
Embodying the Vision: Increasing, Building, Evangelizing
Wednesday Bible Institute:
Noon Day Prayer-
Wednesday's at 12:00 pm at New Zion
Bible Institute: Bible Study Begins at 7:00 pm
Corporate Worship- 1st Wed. on Zoom
Women Bible Study- 2nd Wed. at New Zion
"Man Talk"- 3rd Wed. at New Zion
Family Bible Study- 4th & 5th Wed. on Zoom
ZOOM Info: ID: 253 670 8319
Dial in: (929) 436- 2866

New Zion Baptist Church is a Bible preaching, Bible teaching, Bible believing, and Bible living church committed to the great commission of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and dedicated to imparting the Word of God to impact the world.